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emanuelplus is a subscription-based video-on-demand service that provides exclusive access to the spiritual, musical, cultural, educational, and artistic offerings of Emanuel Synagogue in Sydney, Australia. With live and recorded streaming of services, classes, lectures, performances, and archived recordings of past events, you can engage in Emanuel Synagogue's offerings on your own schedule. The educational programming includes classes on Jewish ethics, Hebrew language, and Torah study. The service offers a rich cultural experience, including concerts, lectures, and performances by world-renowned artists and performers. Subscribing to emanuelplus will support Emanuel Synagogue's mission to create a welcoming and inclusive community. Whether you're a long-time member of the community or seeking to learn about Jewish culture and traditions, emanuelplus is a convenient way to access the vibrant, diverse, and enriching offerings of Emanuel Synagogue.
Emanuel Synagogue is a unique community in Australia, if not the world. We have a proud history, a large and growing membership of over 1800 families, dynamic leadership, and a large campus in Woollahra. We are unique in offering three minyanim – a Progressive (Reform) service of 80 years' duration, Australia's first and Sydney's only Masorti (conservative) service, and Australia's only Renewal service.
Live stream preview
Pesach Service - First Day | 6 April 2023
1h 40m